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Introduction: Haemostatic alterations are common in patients with End-Stage Liver Disease
(ESLD) and vary among haemorrhagic and prothrombotic states. Definiang the haemostatic profile of such patients undergoing liver transplantation (LT) remains a challenge for the anaesthesiologist. The aim of the present study is to evaluate coagulation in patients with ESLD by comparing standard coagulation tests (SCT) with rotational thrombo-elastometry.
Methods: We retrospectively analyzed 56 patients that underwent LT between May and October
2013. Preoperative data were ....[
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Early detection of the vocal fold malignancies is usually done using the flexible or rigid
endoscopic exam. Video stroboscopy can be used to early detect an abnormal vibration of a
portion from the vocal fold. Video contact endoscopy is an endoscopic technique that will
provide the surgeon to observe histological modifications of the superficial layer and the
superficial vascular network of the vocal fold. The authors started to use the contact
endoscopy 10 years ago and try to have a critical point of view regarding this method.
Observing the abnormal vessel patterns and histo....[
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Diabetes is considered a worldwide health problem, and diabetic foot ulcers are considered important complications of this disease. Evaluation of treatment outcomes of operated neuropathic diabetic foot, following major amputation rate, number of days of hospitalization and postoperative complications. In this study we compared a control group (retrospective)
from 2007-2010, consisting of 124 patients with neuropathic diabetic foot and a group of 106 patients, analyzed over a period of 3 years (2011-2013), after the implementation of a multidisciplinary diagnosis and treatment progra....[
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Purpose: This paper aims to realize an analysis of available radio-imaging methods for
outlining various forms of pulmonary embolism (acute or chronic) with highlights on the
semiology and adequate medical indications.
Methods: There are several types of radiological examinations used in the evaluation of
pulmonary embolism such as perfusion scintigraphy V Q, digital subtraction angiography,
computer tomography angiography, magnetic resonance angiography and cardio-pulmonary
Results: Based on existing studies to date and the informati....[
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Although it is one of the most aggressive surgical procedures, pelvic exenteration represents the only option for patients presenting advanced pelvic tumors.
Due to the improvements of surgical technique and association of neo-adjuvant therapies, pelvic exenteration is performed nowadays rather with curative intent. However there are still patients in whom a radical procedure is no longer feasible but who present invalidating symptoms.
In these cases a palliative exenteration can be performed. We present a literature review of the most important studies regarding indi....[
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Cell therapy is a field witch has undergone tremendous expansion in recent years. A search in PubMed of the research studies on this particular subject shows an increase of up to 30,000 per year, over the past 12 years.
Cell therapy is based on the idea that exogenous administration of stem cells will provide protection of the partially damaged cells and stimulate the endogenous mechanisms of tissue repair.
The author presents data about characterization of stem cells, mechanisms of action and special features of mesenchymal stem cells.
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The purpose of this article is to analyse the facial nerve electrophysiological monitoring
effective ness in preventing injuries of this nerve during parotid surgery. To achieve this goal
we analysed relevant data available in the literature on both the surgical technique and intraoperative
continuous monitoring principles.
In order to draw the conclusions of this paper we
correlated the obtained data with our own experience.
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Ovarian carcinosarcomas are rare gynecologic malignancies associated with an overall poor
The best way to obtain a good control of the disease seems to be complete
cytoreduction; association of adjuvant platinum based chemotherapy was extrapolated from
therapeutic guidelines for advanced epithelial ovarian cancer and seems to be effective in
carcinosarcomas too. However the most important prognostic factor remains complete
cytoreduction at the moment of diagnosis.
We present the case of a 55 years old patient diagnosed with stage IIIC ovarian cancer in whom an R....[
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Phyllodes tumors are rare neoplasms accounting for less than 1% of all breast malignancies.
Under this generic name more histopathological subgroups are included. Malignant phillodes
tumors represent less than a quart of all phillodes tumors and are associated with a more
aggressive biological behaviour with a higher tendency to both local and distant metastases.
One of the most important prognostic factors in order to increase the overall ssurvival in
these cases remains a wide excision of the primary tumor. We present a case of a 69 years
old patient diagnosed with a la....[
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Diabetes complicated with neuropathy, vasculopathy, bone distortions may lead to the appearance of extended necrosis of the foot, witch surgically treated, could result in tissue loss associated with skin deficit.
One of the variants to cover these defects is the plasty using flaps of skin kept from the plantar or dorsal part of amputated fingers.
In order to assure the success of these techniques an assessment of the type of diabetic foot is required neuropathic, neuroischemic) and the type of lesion, satisfy the condition that the flap of skin is well vascularized, and....[