Since its inception, IASGO and its founders have played a major role in
promoting and improving liver transplantation (LT). Thomas Starzl was an
Honorary President of IASGO. Henri Bismuth is an Honorary President,
Masatoshi Makuuchi is the current President and Sung-Gyu Lee is an Honorary
Vice-President of IASGO.
In this special issue, the two editors present a collection of experiences
from across the world, leveraging the global reach of the IASGO, a unique
organization, open to specialists from all countries.
Kantoku Nagakawa et al. from Nagasaki University, Nagasaki, Japan are
addressing the role of inflammatory response in LT. They postulate that
most complications in LT can be explained in a unified manner by abnormal
inflammatory responses. Although inflammation is a unitary system in LT, it has
multifactorial effects that affect the prognosis of the graft and the recipient.
The conclusion is that controlling inflammation can enhance the results of LT.
In a review paper from Portugal, the country that is championing the
domino LT, Ines Barros et al. from Lisbons's Central Hospitals and University
Center and Nova Medical School present the current status of the implementation
of this technique worldwide, and their own experience with this procedure.
The authors emphasize that the benefit of expanding the donor pool must be
balanced against the risk of disease transmission.
Massimo Malago et al. from UCL, London, UK, are discussing the multimodal
treatment of HCC. The authors show that surgical treatments remain the only
potential curative treatments for selected patients with early stage HCC. Liver
resection remains a reliable curative method for HCC. Meta-analyses have
shown that clinical outcomes of surgical resection are superior to ablative
treatments in early stage HCC. Thus, they argue that LT is still the standard
treatment for patients with early stage HCC.
Luciano de Carlis et al. from Niguarda Hospital, Milan, Italy, present their
experience with LT during the COVID-19 pandemic in the most affected area of
Europe, Northern Italy and especially Lombardia. LT activity continued despite
the heavy pandemic burden without being stopped a priori, but evaluating each
organ offer based on the resources available. Preserving LT activity was possible
and safe with specific precautions, strong team motivation, and cooperation.
Florin Botea et al. are presenting a 1,000 LT experience (including
retransplantations) over 20 years in one program (Fundeni Hospital, Bucharest,
Romania). On the way to becoming a high-volume center, the Fundeni team
started with ortothopic LT from cadaveric donors and gradually introduced the
split and domino LT, the living donor liver transplantation (LDLT) for adults and
children, and the dual graft.
By analyzing biliary complications after 417
cadaveric and 3 living LT, Octavio Gil et al. from National
University, Cordoba, Argentina show that the majority
of these complications must be treated today by
minimally invasive approach. However, when those fail,
surgical reconstruction remains the only solution. Early
recognition and adequate treatment are pivotal to
reducing morbidity and mortality, improving patient
and graft survival.
Four papers approach the LDLT from various
perspectives. Mohammed Abdel Wahab et al. describe
the experience of a high-volume center (Mansoura
University, Mansoura, Egypt). Preoperative MELD score,
blood transfusion, pulmonary complications, and
vascular complications were identified as significant
predictors of early mortality in multivariate analysis.
The authors conclude that reduction of perioperative
transfusions together with early detection and
management of vascular and respiratory complications
are essential to reduce early mortality after LDLT.
Shashwat Sarin, from Mahatma Ghandi Hospital
and University, Jaipur, India, Ramazan Donmez from
Yeditepte University, Istanbul, Turkey and Yaman
Tokat, from International Liver Center, Istanbul,
Turkey are summarizing technical advancements in
LDLT. The authors describe outflow reconstruction,
portal vein reconstruction and arterial reconstruction;
a special part is dedicated to inflow modulation. In
addition, the methods of biliary reconstruction are
Ender Dulundu, from Marmara University (Istanbul,
Turkey) is addressing the outflow reconstruction
techniques in LDLT. These techniques are presented for
right liver, left liver and left liver with caudate lobe;
a special part is devoted to IVC resection and
reconstruction using synthetic graft.
Finally, the paper by Hae Won Lee, Ho-Seong
Han and Jai Young Cho is dedicated to laparoscopic
harvesting of the right hemiliver for LDLT, based on a
large experience in Seoul National University, Bundang
Hospital, Seoul, Korea. Special emphasis is on timing to
initiate totally laparoscopic donor right hepatectomy
and learning curve. The article provides a detailed
description of the procedure.
In conclusion, this special issue of the SGO presents
important and timely experiences from major centers
in Asia, Europe, Africa and South America, from a
multidisciplinary perspective, and provides a critical
analysis of the most significant advances made in LT
over the last decades.
Full Text Sources: Abstract: Views: 1798
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